Conveniently located to serve Nashua, NH
What can you treat with Alex TriVantage?
- All Tattoo Colors & Types
- Pigmented Lesions
What will you experience?
- The Candela laser is safer than traditional methods because of its unique ability to electively treat the tattoo or pigmented lesion
- It will eliminate the tattoo or pigment while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged
What conditions are treated with the Candela laser system?
Dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions and tattoos (amateur and professional; multiple tattoo inks) are treated. The effectiveness of the laser is dependent upon the age, location, depth, and type of tattoo and pigmented lesions, as well as on the composition of the pigments.
Why is the laser a safe treatment?
The Candela laser is safer than traditional methods because of its unique ability to electively treat the tattoo or pigmented lesion. Thus, it will eliminate the tattoo or pigment while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
Should certain precautions be taken after treatment?
Immediately following treatment, an ice pack may be applied to soothe the treated area. A topical antibiotic cream or ointment is recommended. Care should be taken in the first few days following treatment to avoid scrubbing the area, and abrasive skin cleansers should be avoided. A bandage or patch may help to prevent abrasion of the treated area. During the course of treatment it is recommended that patients cover the area with a sun block that is approved by the treating physician.
Is it possible to have a tattoo or pigmented lesions treated that was previously treated by another modality?
Patients with previously treated tattoos may be candidates for the Candela systems. Tattoos or pigmented lesions that have not been effectively removed by other treatments may respond well to Candela laser therapy, providing prior treatment did not cause excessive scarring or skin damage.
What does treatment involve?
Treatment with the Candela lasers varies from patient to patient depending on the age, size and type of tattoo, color of the patient’s skin and depth to which the tattoo or pigment extends beneath the skin’s surface. In general, these steps will take place:
- The patient is asked to wear eye protection consisting of an opaque covering or goggles.
- The skin’s reaction to the laser is tested during the first visit to determine the most effective treatment.
- Treatment consists of placing a handpiece against the surface of the skin and activating the laser. As many patients describe it, each pulse feels like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin.
- Smaller tattoos or lesions will require fewer pulses, while larger ones will require more. All tattoos will require retreatments, necessitating multiple patient visits.
- The Candela system is less painful and requires less recovery time than some other treatment methods. The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Most patients do not require pain management. In some cases, however, depending on the nature and location of the tattoo or lesion, the physician may elect to use some form of anesthetic.
Why would someone have a pigmented lesion or tattoo removed?
Many people are uncomfortable with unsightly dermal lesions like age spots, freckles and birthmarks, or with a tattoo they had applied several years ago. It is estimated that as many as 50% of individuals with tattoos regret the permanency of the tattoo and wish to have it removed. With the Candela lasers, treatment is now possible.