PRP Skin Rejuvenation

Conveniently located to serve Nashua, NH

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

What is PRP Skin Rejuvenation?

PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, is used in many effective techniques for skin and hair rejuvenation. This PRP is created from the patient’s blood sample by separating the blood cells from the plasma, which is rich in platelets containing growth factors. Growth factors are responsible for rejuvenating the skin’s cell turnover rate and regrowth, meaning it can be highly effective when combined with skin rejuvenation treatments.

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling uses precisely spaced micro-needles to create invisible, vertical, micro perforations into the top layers of the skin. As a result, the skin shifts its natural repair mechanism into high gear and starts producing collagen and elastin. The self-repairing property of the skin is a 100% natural form of skin renewal. PRP Skin Rejuvenation treatment is a modified form of microneedling. The use of PRP matrix can augment this process, giving an overall skin rejuvenation and excellent results. PRP can be used topically or injected into the deeper layers of the skin. When applied topically, we call this a “PRP Facial.” This allows your natural growth factors to enter the skin via the micro-channels created with the needling device. When injected the process is augmented even further and can be a very powerful stimulator of you’re your own collagen.

Who is a Candidate for PRP Microneedling Treatment?

Most patients can benefit from PRP microneedling, since it uses the patient’s own blood and there is little chance of irritation or reaction to harsh chemicals used in other treatments. Candidates should not have any open sores or skin conditions that would prevent them from receiving a skin treatment, as well as any blood conditions or use of blood thinners. Patients that benefit most from this treatment are those that show signs of aging, poor skin tone or texture, and scarring, since the skin’s natural regrowth process can improve these issues.

Dr. Waldman was so caring

Dr. Waldman was so caring on my first visit. Cared about the patient, not just the procedure. Anonymous Patient

What Happens During PRP Microneedling Treatment?

After both the treatment area and the donor area have been cleansed and prepared, the staff will draw a blood sample from the patient, according to how much PRP is needed for treatment. Then, the vials are placed in a centrifuge, which spins quickly to separate the blood cells from the plasma. The PRP matrix is then placed on the treatment area where the microneedling handpiece is applied over the skin or injected by one of our providers. This causes the PRP matrix to be absorbed deeply into the micro-channels in the skin for better rejuvenation. The skin is soothed and treated afterwards to prepare it for the short recovery period. Depending on the treatment area (the face, most commonly), this treatment can take around thirty minutes.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

The skin can become sensitive and red during the recovery period, and you’ll be instructed to use specific skincare products to ensure the skin can heal effectively. The overall recovery time lasts for three days for most patients, with the most severe redness disappearing within one to two days.

When Will I See My Results?

Most patients notice results quickly, although the skin can feel rough and sandpapery during the recovery period as the skin heals. Once the skin rejuvenates, it can look and feel more youthful, soft, and glowing. You can repeat this treatment as needed on a schedule that you can determine during your consultation.

How Much Does PRP Microneedling Cost?

The cost of PRP microneedling can vary. We do offer financing options to help patients pay for their treatments. The price of your PRP microneedling treatment can be discussed during your consultation at Waldman Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Nashua.

Schedule a Consultation

To discuss how PRP treatments can benefit you and your aesthetic goals, contact Waldman Plastic Surgery & Dermatology in Nashua and schedule a consultation! Dr. Cheryl Wladman is a board-certified dermatologist and can let you know if PRP treatments can provide your skin with the care it needs.

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