Tummy Tuck New Hampshire – Abdominoplasty

The Tummy Tuck procedure, also called Abdominoplasty, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed on both men and women of various ages. Tummy Tuck Candidates are in good mental and physical health. Many men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight either through diet and exercise alone or with the assistance of bariatric surgery, are often left with excess, sagging skin and fat deposits in the mid-section. Women who have had several pregnancies often seek out the Tummy Tuck procedure to tighten abdominal muscles that were stretched out and remove and tighten their mid-section skin.
If you are a woman who is still considering getting pregnant, it is recommended that you wait until you are done having children to undergo a Tummy Tuck. Similarly, if you are currently working to lose weight, you should wait until you’ve achieved your weight loss goals or as close as you are able to get before undergoing a Tummy Tuck. The Tummy Tuck procedure is not to be used as a weight loss method. It is also important to understand that the Tummy Tuck procedure is performed through an incision across the lower portion of the abdomen that will leave behind a permanent scar.
View our online before and after Tummy Tuck photos to see real results our patients have enjoyed.
If you are interested in learning more about the Tummy Tuck procedure and recovery process, and to find out if you may be a good candidate for the procedure, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Waldman today.